Saturday, March 21, 2009

Penthouse suite at The Hotel Martinez

What will $37,000 get you these days? A modest down payment on a home or a year of college education? Well, how about a single night in the world's most expensive hotel room? Luxury goods are available everywhere, at both lower and higher price points than ever. Not to be outdone, hoteliers are keeping pace. The quality of suites, their furnishing and amenities, is at an all-time level of extravagance, because the expectations of guests staying in regular rooms increased with flat-screen TVs, better bedding, in-room technology and wireless Internet access. Let take you on a tour of 10 most expensive hotel rooms in the world. Topping the list is-
Penthouse suite at The Hotel Martinez - $37,200 (Cannes, France)
Cannes is a summer haven for sun-deprived Europeans, and the annual film festival is one of the biggest events of the season. The Penthouse Suite at The Hotel Martinez is the ritziest place to stay, located on the seventh floor of the hotel. It has four bedrooms, and the enormous terrace has a private Jacuzzi and views of the Mediterranean.

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